Stop using the Law of Attraction against you!

As soon as you've made the decision to take charge of your life 100% determined and recognized your life's purpose and what gives it value, and decided how you want to live in the not-too-distant future, you must add a seasoning to make your plans realistic.


One can't accomplish anything they can't imagine, in other words. We can only begin the process of manifestation by thinking about it and keeping an open mind to the potential of it happening. And there's good news, too! CHOOSING TO BELIEVE IS A DISCRETION. Simply repeat the notion you want to believe in over and over again in your head until it becomes natural. Once this is done, work on identifying and expressing the feelings associated with that thought.

Our brain is in charge of pursuing what we mentally propose. Our entire life is the product of what we have psychologically imposed on ourselves without even realizing it.

What matters is that you feel it is achievable and that YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE CAPABLE. What kind of bizarre game would life be if, after deciding to live life in charge, after determining what our contribution to the world will be and how we want to live our lives, we didn't have the ability to achieve it? It is always easier to blame life than it is to accept responsibility for living a life that is unconscious and absent from us. Fear repels chances, whilst confidence draws them.

But how can you put your faith into action?

Another piece of good news is that you need simply believe that you can; don't stress over the specifics. You'll begin to notice chances as soon as your brain senses your desire and self-confidence. The Law of Attraction is the key. This is a simplified description of how the Law of Attraction works, but it contains all of the knowledge you need to get started. If you'd like, you may call it "coffee talk."

EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE IS VIBRATION and EVERYTHING VIBRATES AT DIFFERENT FREQUENCIES. Frequencies that are not equal do not cross, vibrations of the same frequency are attracted. As we are vibrational beings too, with the advantage of being aware of our acts, thoughts, words, and emotions, we have the wonderful opportunity to "calibrate " ourselves in the frequency of what we want to attract. How do we do it? Precisely observing our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions and checking that they are in accordance with our desire. If we observe incoherence between any of these variables, one of the most effective ways to “re-calibrate” is to focus on what awakens in us LOVE, GRATITUDE, APPRECIATION, AND HAPPINESS. Thus we become a "vibrational match" with our desires.

Each emotion has a vibrational frequency and the universe responds at the same frequency. It doesn't matter if what comes back is good or bad for you, it responds to the vibration. The problem is that we are generally not aware of the frequency that we are offeringThe Law of Attraction is going to give you back more than what you are offering.

I'll take a moment to consider how, when we desire for peace in the face of violence, when we want for change in the face of hatred when we wish for abundance in the face of scarcity, when we hope for love in the face of a lack of love, what outcomes will we get?

Everything that has the vibration "it is not possible" returns to you if you don't think that your dreams can come true. This is fundamental for you to grasp. Rather than focusing on the current state of affairs, shift your focus to the desired outcome. Things have now turned out the way you expected them to.

So, I encourage you to examine whether your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are all in sync with your goals. An essential first step in leading a life filled with purpose, passion, and direction is recognizing that you have it.

You can meditate for merit, abundance, and gratitude, or you can get this unbelievable course to calibrate your frequency.

Please remember that VISUALIZATION and AFFIRMATIONS are two very crucial pillars of manifestation that I would want to mention before I conclude my article here. To learn more about visualization, you may check out my other posts on the subject.


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