Consciousness, Manifestation, and Living in the Now

Do you ever take a moment to notice your thoughts? To Arjuna, Krishna tells him in the ancient Vedic epic Bhagavad-Gita: "One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not degrade himself." The conditioned soul's best friend and the worst adversary is the mind. If you have mastered your mind, it will be your best friend, but if not, it will be your worst opponent. 

When you begin to observe your mind, one of the first things you may discover is that you have no control over it. How many times have you read anything, perhaps even tried to focus your attention on the topic, but then realized that you were thinking about something entirely different simultaneously? 

Your mind is a separate entity from yourself, just as your body is a separate entity from your consciousness.

You must control your thoughts in order to actualize your desires. There are times when you need to focus, meditate, and envision. You must learn to visualize because Visualization is the key to creating the life of your dreams that is full of happiness and accomplishment. Make sure you're focusing on the things you want to see happen. It will take you a long time to accomplish your objectives if you let your thoughts wander from topic to topic, like a monkey hopping from tree to tree.

It's important to live in the present moment. Notice how frequently we think about the past, and how often we think about happy moments from the past. There are no good old days. As a result, we tend to overlook the terrible periods in our lives and focus on the good ones, allowing us to live in a state of blissful delusion.

It doesn't matter whether it was a good or a terrible time in your life. We can't do anything about it. It's also of little use to us in terms of manifesting. We may, of course, learn from our errors in the past, but that's all there is to it. Otherwise, it's simply a waste of time to linger on the past.

It is common for us to focus on the future when we don't think about the past. In certain cases, we feel apprehensive about the future, while in other cases, we are hopeful about the future. However, the present is where the future is created. We must begin to live in the present moment and put our attention only on it. Now is the time to enjoy ourselves.
In the present, we create our future happiness. As a result, it's critical to practice mindfulness and mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques including breathing exercises and mindfulness meditation.

We have the ability to effortlessly alter our mental states. We may relax by listening to some relaxing music that we like, thinking about someone we care about or just looking at something lovely. Whatever makes you happy, and the most essential thing is that we can visualize the things we desire in the future as if they have already been accomplished.

Simple yogic breathing exercises are an excellent technique to put yourself in a good mood since they assist you to gain calm and control over your thoughts very fast and effectively.

Another effective strategy is to express thankfulness for both the things you have and the things you want to have in your life. When you are appreciative, it is impossible to be depressed.

To begin manifesting the things you want fast and effortlessly, it's best to select a mentor or course and adhere to the guidelines. You may learn about manifestation, the law of attraction, and self-improvement by reading, but it's important to put what you learn into practice. 


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