Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

4 Steps to discover your mission

What is the point of our acts if we don't have a reason for them?

Is there a reason for us to do what we do if we don't comprehend that God, the Universe, or whatever you like to call it has placed us where we are today?

In this world, we were all put here to share our gifts with the world. One of the most significant activities we can take is to discover what it is and to honor it. This means that we must take action in every aspect of our life in order to express that talent and benefit both ourselves and the world.

It has been proved that people who know their purpose and are linked in their actions, thoughts, and emotions with it enjoy fuller and happier lives. In fact, it has been demonstrated that many people with terminal diseases battle far harder when they are unaware of their condition than when they hear of their impending death. They are more readily defeated when they lack a cause to live, a sense of purpose.

Without delving into such deep concerns, recognizing our life's purpose and the aim is essential and not too difficult to understand.

Those things that we execute naturally, in which everything seems to flow, and that we enjoy the results of are the clearest indicators of our purpose! As an example, I enjoy conversing with others and have noticed that the other person seems a little more content after talking with me. The fact is that each individual I meet as a coach, whether it's one or a hundred, makes me feel like I've fulfilled my purpose and given back to the world in a unique manner.

However, the goal is not limited to work; in fact, it is sometimes misunderstood that our profession or task should be our mission. This is the essence of our life's mission: to add value to others through love and contribution to the community.

Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

How to begin delving into our purpose?

A basic yet useful practice to begin imagining your own goal or purpose is as follows:

-Choose two things about yourself that you appreciate and are confident in (e.g. compassion and understanding)
-Indicate two or more ways in which you like expressing such characteristics (e.g. inspire, guide)
-Imagine a world in which everything is perfect: What would you see if you looked out your window? Would people act in such a way? In the present tense, imagine it and write about it  (e.g. everyone is aware of their personal riches and shares them with the world.
-As an exercise, attempt to put these elements together in a phrase that begins with "My objective is to use my (virtues) to (...) to...(the perfect world).

In this example, it might be something like, "My objective is to utilize my compassion and understanding to encourage and help individuals to find and offer their riches to the world." This is something I can do in my career, at a pub with friends, in a casual encounter... it's not really about the profession, it's about living the worth and contribution.

Form it till you feel at ease with the statement and believe it to be true. Relax or meditate and repeat this sentence as many times as required until you feel it as though it is real and tangible throughout your entire body.

Then there is nothing more important or less important than matching your words, ideas, and actions with your mission! You will notice that you will be more concentrated and that you will be able to say no to things that do not convince you. Simply compare them to your goal and decide whether they are worthwhile.

Of course, this task requires many more aspects and is a lengthy process, but this start provides far more direction than it appears.

You might also begin with Self-Discovery and work your way through to figure out your purpose. Because you'll be able to accomplish it more easily after discovering who you really are. The best thing you can do in this situation is pick up a pen and a notebook and start jotting down.


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