Personal Power: Understanding and Applying Its Fundamental Principles

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Power, in its purest form, is the currency of personal achievement. We are all looking for more strength in order to endure pain and suffering, to improve our circumstances, or to realize our full potential. Are you discovering your actual strength, or are you settling for less than you deserve? Here are 10 principles of genuine power that will direct you toward your inner source of strength, allowing you to achieve your fullest possible potential.

The currency of personal achievement is true power. A successful person radiates a strong sense of self-confidence and strength, which inspires others to strive for the same. We all want the ability to change our circumstances, to overcome pain and suffering, or just to reach our full potential.

By virtue of their Divine birth, all people have access to true power. Alignment with integrity, truth, and compassion led to this outcome. In order to experience actual power, one must perform the job of cleansing one's internal clutter and aligning oneself with the Truth. Others are on the lookout for fast fixes or miracle cures, and they'll settle for a knockoff as a substitute.

When it comes to real power, society delivers a low-cost imitation in the shape of force. Force disguises itself as power by using manipulative tactics like fear, want, and fury. In order to get things done quickly, force employs overt ego, pomp, and drama. Force, on the other hand, has a drawback: at best, it presents win-lose scenarios and, more often than not, it results in losses: losses of freedom, joy, and identity. Force is a short-term fix and has no place in the search for long-term solutions. Manipulation leads to treachery, fear to anxiety, desire to addiction, and wrath to violence under the cruel hand of power.

However, true power leads to long-term benefits and mutually beneficial outcomes. Rather than creating a scene, it works from the inside out to effect transformation. To align with your actual power, follow these fundamental ideas.

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Begin by Recognizing Your Own Inner Perfection.

You have always been and will always be a part of God. Nothing about your inherent worth is based on your merit, ability, or limits; instead, it stems from the pristine perfection of your Origin. No matter how deep it sinks, diamonds retain their fundamental value as a valuable stone even if they are covered in muck. You are not an exception to this rule! Even when you fail to live up to your best ideals, your essential value is not decreased by the experience.

Accept Your Soul's Journey As It Is.

For each soul, the incarnation is a wonderful opportunity to realize its full potential and become the best version of itself. Every step of the road has the ability to help you improve as a person. What's the point of resisting what you've learned? Refusing to give in just causes more agony and anguish. In the end, it's what you do with the events that happen to you, not what happens to you, that shapes your character. Consider that the most beneficial lessons may come from the very hurdles you've been fighting, and surrender to the process when you're feeling resistive.

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Always Maintain Your Personal Integrity.

It is always possible to find integrity by listening to the silent voice inside oneself rather than by listening to the noise of the ego or the external ambitions. In order to achieve personal integrity, you must first bring your fundamental values into alignment -that is, connect your actions, your voice, your thoughts, and your feelings with the ideals you hold most dear. Do you have a clear understanding of your basic values? It is one of the most precious gifts you can give yourself is the ability to recognize and articulate your basic principles. Then, using your fundamental values as a compass, you can make sure that your answers to life are in alignment with your inner truth. It will be a significant help to you in keeping your personal integrity at all times.

Be Your Own Best Advocate.

The elements of light, elegance, and love were used to make you. You are doing yourself a disservice if you strive to live up to the expectations of others. Betraying your inner truth is the ultimate betrayal. In reality, it's like wearing a disguise to hide your genuine self. There will be many breakups and disappointments caused by this charade since it is not founded on reality. It's only when you stop striving to be someone you're not that you uncover the Divine essence that lies at the heart of your existence. This Divine core of Truth gives healing and blessing to you and others when you align with it.

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Reflect On The Importance Of Your Life

In your role as a component of the holographic cosmos, you have unique skills, talents, and abilities to share with the world. You are the only person on the earth who has a unique combination of talents and virtues since yours is the sum total of all of your experiences. On this earth, you are a unique representation of the Divine. Having this understanding doesn't make you any better or worse than anybody else, and it's not a reason to be arrogant. When you understand that you were made to be a unique vehicle through which Divinity reaches out to the world, it inspires wonder and reverence. In this world, you are God's hands and feet, and your voice is the instrument through which others might receive words of compassion and consolation. Take a moment to appreciate the awe-inspiring nature of this notion and be grateful for the opportunity to serve others.

Recognize Your Strength

In order to be truly powerful, you must be aligned with the Divine, not your ego. As Marianne Williamson has so eloquently put it "our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate but that we are powerful beyond measure" As a result of fear or minimizing one's own power, one denies one's own source of strength. Prior to any significant action, you must accept your own power.

Take Your Whole Self Into the World You Create.

Gandhi urged us to be the change we wish to see in the world. This means that in order to bring about real change in the world, you first need to embody the change you are aiming for yourself. It is through the incorporation of higher concepts that one becomes a pure and powerful vessel.

Compassion should be the guiding force in our lives.

It's typical to get lost in the weeds while putting fresh ideas into practice. This is a vital aspect of education. When you're feeling down, try treating yourself with as much care as you would someone else. Golden Rule is a way of life when one applies the same standard to oneself as well as to those with whom one interacts. The gate to forgiveness, grace, and transformation is opened when we have true compassion for ourselves and others.

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Allow Your Loving Nature to Pervade Everything You Come Into Contact With

Being able to see the Divinity in others allows us to feel compassion for their flaws and weaknesses. Compassion for oneself and for others prepares the heart to become more loving and accepting. Allow the brilliance of Divine love to softly touch people's lives without them even realizing it is taking place. Simply let that Divine love flow through you and out to everyone in your life.

Love Kindness vs. Enabling: Learn To Tell The Difference

Love and enabling are two different things. It is crucial to discern between the two. In the practice of lovingkindness, there is no room for insincerity or dishonesty in any form, whether it is in yourself or another. Lovingkindness never compromises on its quest to connect with Truth in all things, even when that Truth is disguised as a lesser egoic illusion.

Identifying and nurturing these principles of power inside you will help you to dismiss irrelevant distractions and more completely align with your soul's fullest potential. 


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